Arık Bey
Arık Bey

Since 1985...

We have adopted the principle of transforming cotton, which is a unique beauty offered to us by nature, into perfect products in our fully integrated factory on our way to make productions that will set world standards. Keeping people and nature in our priority, we knit our motto "From Cotton to Perfection" all over the world from Anatolian lands.

Since 1985

A better sustainable future

Being aware of what our generous world has given us for centuries without expecting anything in return, we produce with sustainable methods to leave a more livable future for the generations after us. With the water treatment facilities in our factory, we recycle all the water used back to agriculture. We meet the energy we need while producing with solar panels completed with an investment of over €1,500,000. With 63.7% of our power provided by renewable energy sources, we continue to produce with the awareness of our duties to leave a more beautiful and livable world to future generations.

From cotton to perfection